January 31, 2010 § Leave a comment

Dear Ainsley,

What a week it has been. Your daddy and I have had quite a few things test our faith this week. And I’ll be honest, there were a few times I thought the situation might get the best of me.

But in all the low moments I’ve had this week, the one thing that has gotten me through it all is you. Just when I’d get wrapped up in my own little pity party, I’d feel you moving all over. Snapped back to reality, I was instantly reminded what was really important. The thought of your sweet face, your ten tiny fingers and toes….that can get me through anything.

While we may have had a trying week, we’ve also had some great times too. Thursday, we took you to your second big concert in my womb. The first one (Widespread Panic in October) probably didn’t even phase you because your little ears hadn’t fully developed yet. But, Thursday night, I could tell you were rocking out to some Gov’t Mule inside my belly. I hope you really did enjoy it as much as we did. How could you not love Warren Haynes like your mama?

The other exciting event this week: snow!! And lots of it.

Yesterday, I made it to work all of 30 minutes before your daddy came back to get me and take me home because the roads were already getting bad. We spent most of the morning curled up on the couch, watching the snow come down hard. In the afternoon, we bundled up and ventured out around the grounds of our apartment to check out the snow. We had a mini snowball fight and I wrote out our initials in the snow. Buddy came out with us and he had some fun too!

This week we also got a sweet package from your grandma, Lolly. She sent a pretty pink blanket, a couple of bibs (one with a pretty pink ‘A’ on it), and a sweet pair of booties. We had so much fun putting things up in the dresser that your Mamaw and Papaw bought for us. With each little outfit, blanket or diaper we receive, we get more and more excited about your arrival.

We already love you so much and we haven’t even met you yet. I can’t imagine the strength of that love once we finally do.


Your mom

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